Audit Committee Institute
Welcome to the latest edition of the ACI Magazine designed to keep you, audit committee members and non-executive directors, abreast of developments in the areas of corporate governance, corporate reporting and related matters. The number and breadth of matters for Audit Committee members to consider continues to expand at pace and we seek to highlight the key areas for consideration through; this publication and our ‘On the Agenda’ series issued in December 2021. Topics covered within relate to Climate and ESG Reporting; details of forthcoming changes to Auditor’s Responsibilities relating to fraud and recent regulatory and financial reporting developments. We are also excited to launch our ‘In the Chair’ series. The series will consist of a number of periodic short interviews – to be released over the coming months - with Audit Committee Chairs who will each give their practical perspective on topical areas, effective governance and the expanding role of the Audit Committee. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Donal Courtney for his insightful and thought provoking contributions in this our first edition. Finally, I am really pleased to bring the first fully digital edition of the ACI magazine to you.
A message from our Editor – Maria Diver
I am delighted to publish the first wholly digital edition of the ACI Magazine. I hope that you will continue to find both the content and revised format of the Magazine engaging, easy to navigate and insightful in discharging your roles on Audit Committee’s and Board’s. Climate and ESG reporting themes continue to permeate discussions at Board level. This is replicated in our topics within and we have outlined 10 key questions for Audit Committees to consider over this reporting season and provide a number of recent observations relating to ESG Reporting Readiness from our recent research and webinar. I am always interested to hear your thoughts and perspectives. I would encourage you to share your insights, thoughts and feedback with me directly, to allow us deliver the best possible support to you in a digital world. I look forward to sharing and engaging with many of you in the coming months. I hope you will continue to enjoy the ongoing benefits of ACI. Please contact us at with any comments or suggestions of topics you would like to see covered and visit our website at for further information.