Audit Committee Institute
A message from Barrie and Maria
Welcome to the latest edition of the ACI Magazine, designed to keep you, audit committee members and non-executive directors, abreast of developments in the areas of corporate governance, corporate reporting and related matters.
A lot has changed in the global economy since our last publication, with geopolitical events such as the Ukraine-Russia conflict, increased post Brexit tensions between the EU and the UK relating to the Northern Irish protocol and inflation just some of the major issues driving global economic uncertainty today.
These matters only contribute to the number and breadth of items for Audit Committee members to consider. We seek to highlight the key areas for consideration through; this publication and our ‘On the Agenda’ series. Topics covered within relate to; financial reporting considerations regarding the Ukraine-Russia conflict, the results of our recent Board Diversity survey, the Future of Audit in terms of innovation and the UK Government’s recent response to Audit Reform proposals. We have also provided an update on recent regulatory and financial reporting developments.
We are also pleased to continue our ‘In the Chair’ series, which initially launched in January. In our fourth episode, Ronan Murphy, Independent Non-executive Director, gives his perspectives on the evolving skill set of audit committee members, the importance of relationships with executive management and the role of the Audit Committee in M&A transactions.
We are always interested to hear your thoughts and perspectives. We would encourage you to share your insights, thoughts and feedback with us directly, to allow us deliver the best possible support to you in a digital world.
We look forward to sharing and engaging with many of you in the coming months.
We hope you will continue to enjoy the ongoing benefits of ACI. Please contact us at with any comments or suggestions of topics you would like to see covered and visit our website at for further information.