Let us know what you think?
We are always grateful for feedback regarding topics for breakfast seminars, roundtables and Quarterly. Let us know what you would like covered by phoning us at +353 (1) 410 1160 or e-mailing us at aci@kpmg.ie.
The Audit Committee Institute, sponsored by KPMG, is an international initiative with thousands of members sharing resources across borders. A list of affiliated sites is available at http://www.auditcommitteeinstitute.ie/aci-international-sites.htm. Many members of ACI in Ireland are board members of international companies, or often spent a significant amount of time in other jurisdictions. Please feel free to follow the links of our affiliated members in order to register for publications from or events in their countries.
Contact Us

Barrie O’Connell Chairman Audit Committee Institute Partner KPMG in Ireland
e: barrie.oconnell@kpmg.ie

Maria Diver Audit Committee Insititute Director KPMG in Ireland
e: maria.diver@kpmg.ie
Audit Committee Institute Ireland
1 Stokes Place St. Stephen’s Green Dublin 2 Ireland
Tel: +353 1 410 1160 Email: aci@kpmg.ie www.kpmg.ie/aci
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